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11. Video marketing
Many people don’t realize that YouTube is a massive search engine that can be very effective in driving traffic to your website.
Consider the types of videos you could create to post on here, as well as the promotional videos you could make to market your services on
Google also indexes and returns videos in the search results, so it’s crucial to optimize the videos you are posting on your website by adding appropriate titles and meta descriptions. There is an increasing demand for visual content online!
Video marketing is one way that you could differentiate yourself from your competition who may not be doing this yet.
12. Online Question Forums
Answering questions on forums such as
Quora is a great way to build your authority in a niche. Search for others by typing your niche with the word forum after it into the Google search.
You can also include a link to your website in your profile and your answers. A website link to your blog that answers specific questions about your industry or niche could significantly increase traffic to that article.
Searching on these sites before you write a blog article is also an excellent way to research what you should write.
If you are writing about a popular or trending topic, then there will be a larger volume of people who will be searching for your content.
There’s no point in writing a blog article that no one is searching for an answer on, so be sure to choose topics that are regularly searched.
13. Podcast Interviews
You may have a podcast, or you may be invited on to someone else’s podcast. Either way, the episode provides a way to promote the content on your website and drive the audience back to it.
You could increase the amount of traffic to your website by also including a special offer or by sharing something interesting that they can find out more about on your site.
Podcast episodes are also then shared on other social media platforms and via email marketing, making the audience for them much more extensive than just those listening to the audio.
14. Guest blogging
Writing articles and pitching them to other larger media outlets or influencers is a great way to build your profile and get a link to drive traffic back to your website.
It can take some time to write a guest blog post though, so it’s important to choose a topic that others would be willing to share on their site. Identify syndicated publications that will share your articles on multiple platforms.
Don’t forget to invite others to write a guest post on your blog. If you publish their content and they are a well-known person in your industry, then you could attract a new audience. Contributing influencers will likely share your website with their (more substantial) audience to drive traffic to your site.
14. Printed Marketing Collateral
Additionally, besides online methods, there are also offline forms of marketing that can increase your website traffic.
It should be standard operating procedures to include your website address on all forms of stationery, brochures, flyers, merchandise, and promotional materials.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed when you read through this long list of ways to drive traffic to your site.
However, it’s important to consider which methods will be both sustainable for you to keep doing overtime as well as which ones will generate the most traffic.
For example, if you don’t like writing or aren’t that good at it, then starting a blog is likely not a good idea. Instead, recording videos might be faster to create. (Tip:
You could always have your videos transcribed so you can repurpose as long-form content on a blog or as an article on LinkedIn or on a Facebook Page)
Alternatively, you may feel more comfortable hosting a podcast or
going live on Facebook where you can speak to your audience.
Try to pick a few methods above that you know you could stick to doing. Consistency is a big deal that will help deliver results! Additionally, remember, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by all of this! You don’t have to do all of them at once.
Building up a following, and traffic flow will take some time if you don’t have a large budget, so be patient and consistent with your marketing activities.
I would love to hear what you have found to be effective in driving traffic to your small business website?