Envision the pleasure of having a jumping-off point for a social media topic whenever you take a seat to write. It definitely beats looking at a blank screen or going down the bunny hole searching for curated material.
For blogs along with social media, that's the beauty of an editorial calendar. Take an hour to map out any seasonality in your company-- for instance, back to school for a clothing seller or business tax due dates for a CPA company.
Designate a seasonal subject to months where they fall, and strategy to compose or source social posts around that subject.
For months with no seasonality, pick another topic that showcases your proficiency. Using our CPA example, they could assign monetary wellness to January, earnings tax suggestions to February, year-end tax preparing to November ... you get the idea.
Short on topic ideas? Check sources like Holiday Insights for offbeat classifications you can use to fill in the blanks (National Deviled Egg Day, anybody?), or register for services like SmartBrief to find sharable third-party content that's relevant to your audience.